Do you matter? Well, if yes, then … Prevention is Primary.

Prevention has always been close to our heart. Prevention promotes health and we had been working tirelessly to educate and spread awareness of its undisputable significance amongst our patients.

Homoeopathic medicine plays a pivotal role in this aspect. Acting on the P.N.E.I axis, the action of homoeopathic medicine is second to none. If one takes the analogy of a grinding stone… it is useless without the grinding surface, as what grains you pour in will be thrown out; but if the grinding surface is good, it can even pulverise stones. So primarily to prevent disease, the first premise is to get the system in a fighting fit condition. Then comes nutrition and food. You are what you eat. The food you eat can be either the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison1.

To drive this point, we started educating our patients through series of workshops and seminars under the banner of Open Forum © and Appetite for Change. Today the scenario is such that we have a sick-care system rather than a health-care system. It systematically neglects wellness and prevention; thus creating health crisis. An ounce of Prevention is better than pound of cure2, summarises it all. And yes… prevention is cost effective!

1. Ann Wigmore, 2. Benjamin Franklin
